This article was originally published in The Notebook. In August 2020, The Notebook became Chalkbeat Philadelphia.
Public School Notebook‘s membership ranks grew significantly in 2010, as we added nearly 200 new dues-paying members. Our warmest thanks go out to them for being part of the Notebook‘s community of reader-supporters.
Like much of the news media, the Notebook is working hard to develop new and sustainable business models for supporting independent public interest journalism. Financial contributions from a growing membership are a crucial component of our approach to covering our publication costs.
The 2011 membership campaign is underway – we encourage you to join. We are looking to surpass 500 members this year.
As part of its effort to build a community of people committed to educational improvement in Philadelphia, the Notebook hosts occasional events for members and others. On December 1, the Notebook co-sponsored with the Teacher Action Group a showing of the documentary film "A Community Concern," directed by Susan Zeig. The film highlighted efforts of organized parent and community groups in three different cities to bring about a positive transformation of their schools. A crowd of 50 attended the screening, hosted by Youth United for Change, and participated in a discussion afterward about community organizing efforts and Philadelphia schools.
To keep posted on upcoming events, including the Notebook‘s June "Turning the Page for Change" celebration, we encourage you to become a member of the Notebook today. Basic membership starts at $30.