Thursday Churn: Budget cuts hearing

What’s churning:

A long speaker list is likely for today’s scheduled three-hour public hearing about the potential impacts of Gov. John Hickenlooper‘s proposed $332 million cut to K-12 funding for 2011-12.

The Senate Education Committee convenes the hearing at 2 p.m. in the Old Supreme Court Chambers, the Capitol’s largest meeting room.

The hearing follows a dozen town hall meetings held across the state Saturday by Democratic lawmakers, who asked residents to “share their ideas … about the state’s challenging budget situation.”

Friday’s slightly-better-than-expected revenue forecast may ease next year’s proposed funding cut but it’s unclear yet by how much. The Joint Budget Committee meets again today to try to make final decisions on its proposed 2011-12 budget. The budget bill is scheduled to be introduced Monday.

What’s on tap:

The Quality Teachers Commission meets from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Colorado Children’s Campaign, 1560 Lincoln St. The group oversees implementation of the state’s educator identifier program.

The Concurrent Enrollment Advisory Board meets from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the conference center at the Community College System Lowry campus, 1061 Akron Way, Bldg. 697. The board advises on the state’s programs for dual high school-college enrollment and fifth-year students.

Jefferson County school board members meet in study session to talk about board budget direction to staff, plan for public hearings and discuss the content of community budget forums. The meeting starts at 5 p.m. at 1829 Denver West Drive in Golden. Agenda.

Good reads from elsewhere:

Teacher myths: Columnist Valerie Strauss cedes her space to Barnett Berry, who describes five myths about educators that are distracting policymakers. Washington Post.

Waiting game: Don’t forget to check in periodically with the six Cherry Creek High School seniors who are blogging about the agonies and the ecstasies of their colleges admissions experiences. New York Times.