Find your Denver school’s 2013 district rating

Denver’s top performing school this year is DSST: College View, a middle school in southwest Denver.

District leaders released the school ratings last week, which consist of five possible labels for schools – Distinguished, Meets Expectations, Accredited on Watch, Accredited on Priority Watch and Accredited on Probation.

Across the district, 20 schools received a Distinguished ranking, including nine with more than 70 percent of students on free or reduced price lunch. Twenty-two schools are Accredited on probation, two more than last year. Eleven schools slipped to the district’s lowest ranking. Four schools previously on probation managed to improve their ranking, some even meeting expectations.
See here for an overview of how Denver schools performed and how they were scored.

Search tips

  • You can select more than one school by holding down the “Ctrl” or “Cmd” button and clicking on as many names as you’d like to see.
  • To see all schools with a certain rating, skip the “School Name” search box and click on a rating in the “School Rating” search box.
  • After finding your school, click on the “Details” button in the search results field to learn more about the school’s demographics and to see more detail about the factors behind the ratings.

Data notes

  • After clicking through to “Details,” you’ll see scores in the various areas that make up the overall rating. This includes growth, performance, student engagement, parent satisfaction and, for high schools, readiness growth and performance. Each area is rated, from best to worst, as “Exceeds,” “Meets,” “Approaching” or “Does Not Meet.”
  • If your school does not have a rating for 2012, that typically means it is a new school. So it also will not have data under growth categories.