Remainders: Guinea pigs for evaluations say they disapprove

  • Teachers in Tennessee, a pioneering state for evaluations, overwhelmingly disapprove.  (Hechinger)
  • Brooklyn’s Hasidic schools, like many others, bar students from commuting by bike. (Post via Gothamist)
  • A group of Ohio fifth-graders self-published a math e-textbook using their teacher’s iPad. (Getting Smart)
  • Bill Maher lamented unions and said it was impossible to fire teachers. (Real Time via NYC Educator)
  • Spike in sex abuse charges show urgency to give Chancellor the power to fire teachers. (Daily News)
  • A Common Core critic tackles the standards’ mandate to add more instructional reading. (PAA)
  • Obama report card on education policies shows bi-partisan approval through his first term. (Politico)
  • The Gates Foundation wants to build a bracelet to measure student engagement. (Answer Sheet)
  • Echoing recent Useable Knowledge research, Petrilli ponders cities ripe for integration. (Flypaper)
  • Coleman talks more about his next venture, leaving his current one and the common core. (Straight Up)