- Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum has challenged the mayor to a debate on mayoral control, in Spanish.
- Leonie Haimson says the factors underlying the economic crash portend a crisis in the city’s schools.
- Insideschools describes how one high school teacher is already doing more with less.
- JD2178 says Chancellor Klein’s policies and personnel choices reflect an anti-experience bias.
- The fictitious billionaire Smellington Worthington endorses “grand old girl” Caroline Kennedy.
- Math teachers at Bronx Science have filed a special complaint against their assistant principal.
- Denver’s Michael Bennet might be the first schools chief in the U.S. Senate since Strom Thurmond.
- A scholar of education policy argues against blaming special education for schools’ failures.
- A screed against those spam e-mails that promise teaching certification in just days, from home!
- Joe Williams of Democrats for Education Reform says NCLB arose from a “vast left-wing conspiracy.”