Rise & Shine: Mayoral control could roll through Albany, maybe

  • The State Senate coup could be good for mayoral control, if it doesn’t fall apart. (Post)
  • The Times comes out in support of The New Teacher Project’s recent teacher evaluation report.
  • A Brooklyn high school grad hasn’t missed a day of school since he started pre-K. (Post)
  • The head of the New York State School Boards Association says how to fix mayoral control. (EdWeek)
  • PS 85 in the Bronx is an example of a school that has turned around without restructuring. (WNYC)
  • All of the city schools that were closed because of swine flu fears are back in business now. (NY1)
  • The mayor of Boston suddenly wants to turn failing city schools into charter schools. (Boston Globe)
  • Some colleges, like Reed in Oregon, have reduced the number of needy students they take. (Times)
  • California is investigating whether it can renege on repaying some teachers’ student loans. (Times)
  • Teachers contract negotiations have stalled in D.C., and the Washington Post wants to know why.
  • At schools that have a longer day and year, there are signs that students do better. (USA Today)