Save JREC press conference

From the Campaign to Save JREC:

Last month, Community Board 6 unanimously voted to support Community Board 8 in their resolution to demand that JREC remain where it is and Hunter look elsewhere for a site for their science tower. This is exciting news!

And thanks to many community members and supporters who came out on Election Day and gathered signatures on a petition to Save JREC, we collected nearly 1000 names! We have continued gathering names and will present these petitions to Joel Klein.

We hope you can join us at Tweed to present our petitions and have a press conference. We will be joined by State Senator Liz Krueger, State Senator Tom Duane, Councilwoman Jessica Lappin, and, hopefully, the presidents of Community Boards 6 & 8.

We will unfurl the petitions with all the signatures and demand that Chancellor Klein tell Hunter President Raab that she must put her science tower on a different site – HANDS OFF THE JULIA RICHMAN EDUCATION COMPLEX!