Student attendance has improved incrementally since 2022, but Indiana officials hope more data can help schools identify students with attendance issues and intervene sooner.
Participation in Indiana’s Education Scholarship Accounts and Career Scholarship Accounts has grown dramatically after lawmakers expanded student eligibility and allowed uses for funding.
Edison School of the Arts terminated Nathan Tuttle last year after allegations that he had said a racial slur to a student. He later filed a wrongful termination suit.
Schools always had the option to refer absenteeism cases to the local prosecutor, but they typically preferred other responses. Now a new law requires it in certain cases.
The revised blueprint to change graduation rules comes after significant criticism of the initial proposal from colleges and teachers.
As the local community with roots in the Chin State of Myanmar grows, the district’s heritage language class serves as a bridge between students and their families and culture.
While schools can’t design their own diplomas that bypass Indiana rules, they can adopt graduation requirements on top of what the state requires.
Purdue says the proposed new diplomas would not meet admission requirements, while IU supports a special seal for college-bound students.
As Indiana moves to require more advanced courses and work experience for graduation, IPS says it’s on track to offer both.
With federal relief dollars running out, the district must prioritize which students will receive tutoring next year.