Detroit Public Schools Community District

Two of the three incumbents on the Detroit school board have opted not to run for reelection.

Some current and former staff at Thirkell Elementary-Middle School have complained that the school had a retaliatory environment under the leadership of Stephanie Gaines.

Alicia Alvarez helps students at Western International High School in southwest Detroit to envision, and obtain, a path to higher education. But there’s no shortage of obstacles standing in the way.

Interested candidates must file for candidacy by July 23 Three positions are open, and at least one long-standing member is not seeking re-election.

The two-year deal increases pay for teachers across the board and includes several new benefits.

Union leaders say the new contract sets Detroit apart from other districts, with terms that will attract new teachers and retain existing ones.

Through history, art, culture, and conversation, students get the support that queer youth before them didn't have.

The teachers union leader said the tentative agreement with the district is full of “big wins.”

“We recognize coming to college is an investment,” said Wayne State University President Kimberly Andrews Espy of efforts to help students afford college.

Superintendent Nikolai Vitti says it is now a matter of agreeing on “the details, not the big issues.”

Detroit Superintendent Nikolai Vitti hopes to sustain long-term funding for literacy programs supported by the settlement money.

Superintendent says tough decisions made last year have put the district on solid financial ground.

Teachers at Thirkell Elementary-Middle School in Detroit have complained about the now-suspended principal at recent school board meetings.

Detroit school leaders want action to keep pot edibles away from kids

Detroit students have more options for summer classes this year

Superintendent Nikolai Vitti said complaints aired in public meetings over the years illustrate the need for coaching for district leaders.

The Detroit school district last week approved extending the superintendent’s term to 2028.

The focus of the spending of the literacy lawsuit settlement money is on hiring academic interventionists, but the district might have a tough time hiring them.

Detroit Superintendent Nikolai Vitti said the district needs names to go with the allegations in order to investigate them.