Missing School, Falling Behind

The federal Office of Civil Rights’ investigation found students didn’t get the support the law guaranteed them. The Michigan Department of Education wants the case thrown out.

Casi un tercio de los estudiantes de Michigan estuvieron crónicamente ausentes durante el año escolar 2022-23, una de las tasas más altas en el país.

Detroit students have more options for summer classes this year

The sponsor of the bill says it would create a culture of expectation that formal education must begin early.

Nearly a third of Michigan students were chronically absent during the 2022-23 school year, one of the highest rates in the country.

The majority of states in the U.S. don’t require kindergarten attendance.

They talked about mental health, childhood trauma, good teaching, and the importance of self-love.

Nearly a third of students missed too much school in the latest school year.

Proposal would let school officials request a transfer to a neighborhood school if family outreach efforts don’t work.

Now district officials are considering punitive policies against severe absenteeism, such as making students repeat a grade.

The options vary based on where you live and which school the student attends.

Families typically try their best to get kids to school, interviews with parents and researchers show. If you know why absenteeism remains high, we want to hear your story.