Chronic Absenteeism

Overall school attendance is improving, but children with disabilities and those from low-income families aren’t rebounding as well as their peers, the state reports.

Legislators heard how counselors and attendance liaisons can help reduce absences. Earlier this year, Indiana adopted a law focused on improving student attendance.

Chronic absenteeism remains stubbornly high. Now 14 states are pledging to cut their rates in half.

Más de 170 estudiantes y exalumnos de Newark compartieron las barreras que les impidieron ir a la escuela y permanecer allí. El Newark Opportunity Youth Network publicó las conversaciones en un portal en línea.

Rhode Island is getting national attention for its comprehensive approach to cutting chronic absenteeism that involves public data displays, help from mayors, and lots of rewards for kids.

The state has set a new goal to decrease chronic absenteeism to 17.8% by the 2026-27 year.

Schools always had the option to refer absenteeism cases to the local prosecutor, but they typically preferred other responses. Now a new law requires it in certain cases.

A new analysis from the Associated Press finds millions of students remain chronically absent. Some schools are using novel strategies like sports and cash to get kids in the door.

More than 170 Newark students and alumni shared the barriers that kept them from going to school and staying there. The Newark Opportunity Youth Network posted the conversations in an online portal.

The new school year is here, see what’s new for you and your students around cell phones, reading, state testing and more.

The rates at which kids missed lots of schools rose during the pandemic and have stayed high, affecting schools’ key goals like learning recovery.

Absenteeism rates are higher for certain student groups based on race, gender identity, disability, and English language skills

The staffers play a critical role on the front lines of two colliding crises: the exploding number of students living in homeless shelters, and elevated rates of chronic absenteeism in the wake of the pandemic.

Students in Washington, D.C. were less likely to miss school on days they had a scheduled tutoring session. Researchers think the relationship kids build with tutors has a lot to do with that.

The president’s pitch to continue some pandemic-era programs and increase financial aid faces a hostile Congress.

The Biden administration highlighted tutoring in Chicago and efforts to combat chronic absenteeism in Detroit as officials urged schools to do more to raise student achievement.

What did school communities face in 2023? Waning COVID relief funding, rising chronic absenteeism, and ChatGPT controversy, just to name a few.