Claire Bryan

Reporting Intern

There are several reasons to prioritize younger students when schools reopen, but the approach remains relatively rare for now — likely because it comes with a host of challenges.

Leaders are calling for legislative action to close the gap, saying that districts providing mobile hotspots can’t get the job done alone.

Black and Hispanic parents appear particularly concerned about the idea of reopening school buildings.

From Los Angeles to Atlanta, school districts say they will return to remote learning — easing some fears but raising big questions.

“Our expectation should be that students can be back together in the fall,” DeVos said Tuesday at a White House event.

Democrats made the case that the federal government hasn’t done nearly enough, noting the CARES Act passed in March won’t come close to filling the budget holes states face and arguing that inaction will mean teacher layoffs and other cuts. Republicans were more hesitant.

Education leaders said Congress needs to pass a stimulus package that includes far more for education.

Tulane University surveyed New Orleans middle and high school students and found that black students are less likely to feel safer in the presence of police than white students.