Mila Koumpilova

Mila Koumpilova

Senior Reporter, Chalkbeat Chicago

Mila Koumpilova is a Senior Reporter at Chalkbeat Chicago. She previously wrote about higher education and immigration at the Star Tribune newspaper in Minneapolis. Mila has also covered education at the St. Paul Pioneer Press and The Forum in Fargo, N.D. A former North Dakota Rookie Reporter of the Year, she has received recognition from the Education Writers Association, the Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists and others. She is a graduate of the American University in Bulgaria and the Missouri School of Journalism.

Critics urge the district to push for more funding — and more spending — rather than cuts.

A Chalkbeat analysis of Illinois campaign finance disclosure paperwork found a mix of small donations from family and friends, sizable personal loans, and both money and in-kind support from existing political groups.

In its budget proposal, Chicago Public Schools is giving charters a slight funding boost overall, although some could still get funding cuts.

The proposed $9.9 billion CPS budget faces several pressures, from union negotiations to the end of federal COVID aid.

Facing budget deficit, Chicago vows to guarantee pay for laid-off workers

Chicago Public Schools plans to eliminate “misconduct” language in tracking early grade behavior

New report: Schools can be a game changer for students who live near the sites of killings

Chicago Public Schools’ new funding formula provides set staffing at every school. But a Chalkbeat analysis of new documents and files indicate many schools are facing reductions.

Chicago Public Schools has a new formula for funding its schools. Some are seeing boosts, while others will be working with tighter budgets.