Coronavirus Tennessee

46% proficiency rate is the highest since the state raised its academic standards in 2010.

The 2021 law that vexed third grade families last year offers fewer promotion pathways this year

The results suggest that Tennessee’s early investments in summer learning camps and intensive tutoring are paying off.

State considers eligibility criteria that could exclude student poverty levels

The recovery comes after a three-year slide

 A House panel voted 5-4 to defeat a bill that critics said aimed to correct a voucher law overturned by judges.

While Tennessee’s largest school district continues to recommend masks, parents can now opt their children out of wearing a face covering.

Tennessee law prevents district leaders from switching to remote learning without approval from state education officials, causing desperation and disruption for school officials and families.

The proposal would target districts that don’t offer 180 days of annual in-person instruction beginning Sept. 1, 2022

Parents’ divided views on COVID safety measures may reflect the conflicting covid policies that abound in Tennessee.

 Tennessee parents upset about public school policies requiring masks or virtual learning could get state funds to send their child to private school.

Nearly 4,000 fewer students are enrolled in Memphis’ public schools, including charters, this school year, according to the district’s 60-day counts.

As of Monday, 14% of students and teachers and 29% of school support staff currently have COVID or had been exposed to the virus, the district said

Teachers and families are increasingly frustrated with Tennessee laws barring online learning amid the omicron surge.

Omicron surge prompts more remote waiver requests

Shelby County Schools is expanding testing, continuing to require masks