Replacement plans remain unclear, as Feagins reorganizes schools based on their state letter grade.

Century-old Humes was operated as a charter under the state’s unraveling Achievement School District.

GOP leaders acknowledge that the Achievement School District district had failed in its turnaround mission.

Bren Elliott, a former Nashville school administrator, will oversee improvement efforts that encompass nearly 300 schools

The school board will consider nine charter applicants: four new schools, plus five schools in the Achievement School District. MSCS officials have recommended rejecting all of them.

Carney was Penny Schwinn’s go-to manager for major programs.

District forced to reckon with failure of charter-focused state turnaround effort.

The move, protested by Hanley’s charter operator, marks another twist in the chaotic unwinding of the Achievement School District.

Charter commission district grows with more ASD schools

This year’s ‘priority’ designation won’t carry its usual high stakes

Officials plan renovations and an addition to better accommodate special education and music programs

The Tennessee Public Charter School Commission on Friday unanimously voted to authorize Lester Prep, Libertas School, and Cornerstone Prep Denver to operate in the commission’s state-run charter district.

The schools rejoining Shelby County Schools generally have continued to languish academically under state control.

The hire is considered key to jump-starting Tennessee’s school improvement work

Three schools leaving the ‘priority list’ are in Memphis, the center of Tennessee’s school improvement work for the last 10 years.

The turnaround chief will supervise state interventions within the ASD and other “priority” schools performing in the state’s bottom 5%.