Stories from 2024

Many high school students struggled in the aftermath of COVID. This graduating senior found a talent for wrestling, teaching, and connecting with the classmates who wanted to give up.

Muchos estudiantes de high school atravesaron dificultades a consecuencia del COVID. Esta estudiante de último curso descubrió su don para la lucha, enseñar y para conectarse con los compañeros de clase que querían darse por vencidos.

“Our journey to get to this position in our lives was a rocky road to say the least.” This Philly student made it from home schooling to remote learning to class salutatorian.

Millions of students began high school early in the COVID pandemic. Detroit senior King Bethel looks back at how that historic period changed him.

Millions of members of the Class of 2024 started high school online and off camera. This Denver student learned lessons she’ll carry with her to college and beyond.

Stories from 2021

Over the next several months, Chalkbeat will introduce you to ninth graders across the U.S. trying to figure it all out.