Porter is well respected among many of the city’s education leaders and known for building trust with parent leaders and principals.

Meisha Ross Porter will become the first Black woman to lead the nation’s largest school system.

“We do not want to impose additional trauma on students that have already been traumatized,” the chancellor said.

Tutoring programs could make a big difference in a year like this, some education experts say.

In a major shift for the nation’s largest public school system, de Blasio said the city will no longer use a percentage positivity rate to shutter buildings across the five boroughs.

New York City has yet to put forward a detailed strategy to help schools improve online instruction, according to educators, experts, and union officials.

About 100,000 school age children live in households without internet, Stringer estimates.

City touts restorative practices, but acknowledges ‘work to do’ as racial disparities persist.

With fewer students than expected in school buildings, those who remain could get more days of in-person classes.

Thursday marked a significant milestone: the first time that all 1,600 district schools opened their doors to students since March, when the coronavirus brought routines to a screeching halt.

A handful of top education officials charged with reopening the nation’s largest school system have left the education department in quick succession.

Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza told parent leaders on Thursday that information about applying to gifted programs and middle and high schools will not be available until next month

Meanwhile, device-less students are using cell phones, devices with cracked screens, borrowing what they can from relatives or resorting to paper packets, they said. 

Department leaders, principals, teachers, and parents are still scrambling to figure out what schooling during a pandemic will look like.

NYC’s discipline guidance does not explain how administrators should enforce health and safety standards.

Mayor de Blasio’s school reopening plans are in jeopardy with one week left before NYC students are scheduled to return

Calling for a strike ratchets up pressure on Mayor Bill de Blasio to delay the scheduled return to in-person instruction on Sept. 10.

New York City is encouraging principals to find outdoor learning space in nearby parks and streets, an idea that Mayor Bill de Blasio slow-walked for over a month.

Many school leaders and teachers feel that the mayor has not given them the guidance and resources to make a safe return feasible.