Chalkbeat now has a new look — and a public health sister site

Three logos, one blue, red and pink on a white background.
Chalkbeat, Votebeat and Healthbeat logos (Civic News Company)

Welcome to the new Chalkbeat!

If you’re a regular reader, you might notice that things look a little different here today. Nothing about our stories or the functionality of our site is changing, but we have a new look that we hope you enjoy: simple, modern, and with the work you know and love front and center.

Why? It’s always nice to feel fresh at the start of a school year. But more importantly, the change comes as we launch a new sibling site. Meet Healthbeat, which is officially launching today to cover public health.

Healthbeat reporters will be digging into issues that shape our collective well-being, from infectious diseases to air and water quality and food safety. And they will be bringing the Chalkbeat (and Votebeat) model of national and local reporting to bear on public health at a time when it’s badly needed. Healthbeat will start with bureaus in New York City and Atlanta as well as national reporting in partnership with the great folks over at KFF Health News.

I hope you will check them out, starting with editor in chief Charlene Pacenti’s introduction to Healthbeat’s work. You can also sign up for Healthbeat’s newsletters here.

— Sarah Darville, Chalkbeat editor in chief

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The Healthy School Meals for All program that voters approved in 2022 has cost more than expected and needs new funding to continue.

Aunque los agentes de inmigración pueden realizar arrestos en escuelas, los expertos afirman que es difícil ya que hacerlo podría generar una fuerte reacción política.

Experts say there are a few big barriers to ICE raids at schools. And keeping students at home due to immigration enforcement fears carries its own risks.

The announcement came Thursday as a crowded field of candidates vies for political support ahead of the June 24 primary and Nov. 4 general election.

I study early childhood education. Defunding this research will have far-reaching effects.

The executive order would be the culmination of the president’s attacks on the agency that date back to his 2016 campaign.