The program serves 85 Indiana counties but only two ZIP codes in Marion County, leaving more than 60,000 kids in the county without access.

Secretary of Education Katie Jenner said the goal is to identify which children need additional support in their early years.

The district wants to alleviate waitlists and accommodate all pre-K-5 students who need care.

Making the program available to more children was a priority for Gov. Eric Holcomb this year.

Providers hope the stress of maintaining safety protocols to keep the virus at bay will ease.

Manual is no longer just a high school. Day Early Learning has converted administrative offices and an auditorium into child care rooms to serve Indy’s south side.

A long-term study of On My Way Pre-K in Indiana found that the academic benefits didn’t fade, as some other programs have seen.

Kosciusko County was 2,000 child care seats short in 2018. The county and Wawasee Schools worked together to add more.

Child care report rates access, quality, and choices for Indiana counties

Indiana is leveraging federal stimulus funds to offer more vouchers for low-income families to send children to pre-K and child care.

Indiana students not enrolled in preschool or kindergarten miss early education that helps them social and self-regulation skills to thrive in school.

Indiana’s Upstart program seeks to show benefits of virtual preschool lessons for 4-year-olds from low-income families

Indiana could expand its small pre-K program this school year, but the coronavirus could foil future progress.

A new program will recruit and train Black men to become preschool teachers in Indianapolis as part of an effort to diversify early childhood educators in Indiana.

Child care providers will have to change how they operate to minimize the risk of spreading the coronavirus.