Aurora Public Schools
Jasmine Baker loves getting students excited about the Declaration of Independence.
Las familias calculan que más de 60 niños serán desalojados.
One mother worries about her limited options to find new housing for her daughter before Tuesday.
Both schools will now work with nonprofit TNTP on improving instruction.
The analysis of the state’s 10 largest school districts focused on how many sources hadn’t been fixed about a year after they were identified as having high lead levels.
Elmer Hernandez hopes his work translating the Community College of Aurora’s website helps other students who are native Spanish speakers.
Líderes dicen que contratar a coordinadores en escuelas comunitarias, como los que Aurora tiene en cada una de sus escuelas de la zona, es clave para que el modelo funcione.
Leaders say hiring community school coordinators, like Aurora has at each of its zone schools, is key to making the model work.
The proposed agreement comes after a year of rocky contract negotiations and disagreements over which teachers should get raises and by how much.
Look up your school or district’s graduation and dropout rates here.
Las elecciones incluyeron tres puestos de los siete del consejo escolar. Todos fueron ganados por candidatos respaldados por el sindicato de maestros.
Three of seven seats on the board were up for grabs.
Les hicimos algunas preguntas a los candidatos al consejo escolar de Aurora. Esto es lo que dijeron.
Aurora voters are selecting three members for the public school board in the Nov. 7 election.
YAASPA is holding school board candidate workshops in Aurora, Denver, and Cherry Creek this year.
The district wants to put more money toward increasing starting salaries. Meanwhile, there are no raises.
Kurtz said he plans to leave DSST at the end of this school year.
Aurora voters will select three candidates for the seven-member school board in November’s election.
Michael Giles started his new role in July and is still getting to know the district.
Things are ‘still lean,’ said an Aurora Public Schools recruiter, ‘but there’s definitely a change in the number of folks who are coming out.’